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Biden’s Treasury Advisor Blames DEI Mandate for Bad Boss; ‘THIS ADMINISTRATION IS A MESS’

June 27, 2024

Project Veritas Appeals Ninth Circuit Ban on Undercover Journalism; Argues Oregon Recording Laws are Unconstitutional

June 25, 2024

Biden's State Department Official Admits Great Replacement is Real; ‘They Want to Change the Demographics of the United States’

June 20, 2024

'Truly a Disaster': Biden's Foreign Aid Coordinator Disses $300 Million Plan to Send Kenyan Cops to Haiti

June 13, 2024

Biden National Security Council Advisor: We Can't Go Against Israel until Reelection; Israel 'Lies, Bombs, and Kills All These Kids'

May 21, 2024

'STUPID AMOUNTS OF MONEY’: State Department Official Admits 'Mistakes' in Ukraine; U.S. Funding ‘Unaccounted For’

June 11, 2024

LEGAL UPDATE: PETA, & Free Speech Groups file Amicus Briefs Supporting Undercover Journalism in Veritas Lawsuit against State of Oregon

April 29, 2024

Columbia Protest Organizer: Zionists, NYT, to Blame for Oct. 7 'Staged' Attack, 9/11

May 6, 2024

BREAKING: Missouri SUES Planned Parenthood after Veritas Investigation Reveals a Conspiracy to Traffic Minors Across State Lines for Secret Abortions

February 29, 2024

LEAKED ALL HANDS CALL: PR Firm, Berlin-Rosen, celebrates efforts to remove Trump from Colorado ballot. "Let's save democracy.”

February 19, 2024

The NEW Wuhan? Project Veritas Interviews Pfizer VP, Steven Bjornson, on Pharma Giant's Plans to Expand Vaccine Development Expansion in Pearl River, NY

February 19, 2024

#DEI Part Two | Director at Mt. Tamalpais School Blocks Admission if Families Don't Align with DEI

January 24, 2024

Parents pay $50K and have no say? Private School Educators Undermine Parents and Mislead Donors to Push DEI and Radical Ideologies

January 22, 2024

Planned Parenthood’s Nationwide Abortion Trafficking Network Works in Tandem with Court System to “Rubber Stamp” Minor Abortions

December 21, 2023

‘WE NEVER TELL’: Planned Parenthood Helps 13 Year Olds Get Abortions in Nearby States to Evade Law

December 21, 2023

VERITAS UPDATE: Ex-Connecticut Assistant Principal, Jeremy Boland’s Teaching License on Probation, Ordered to Complete Educator Ethics Class

January 11, 2024

President Trump's Ad Featuring Project Veritas

January 5, 2024

NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN: Ashley Biden Confirms Famed Diary Is Hers & The Full Story Behind The FBI Raids On American Journalists 

July 31, 2023

PART TWO: HiTOPS Designs Sexual Identity Training for Kindergartners

September 20, 2023

‘HiTOPS’ Nonprofit Sneaks Sexual and LGBTQ+ Curriculum into Schools, Admits Goal to Strip Parents of Opt-Out Rights

September 13, 2023

Hawai’i Government Officials Contradict Own Citizens’ Accounts on Maui Fire Disaster

November 7, 2023

Former Biden Official Andrew Lorenzen-Strait Reveals NYC Migrant Contract With Mayor Eric Adams Went “Horribly Wrong.” Reveals Contract Was The Result of Politics Not Good Policy | BREAKING PART 2

August 10, 2023

Former Biden Transition Official Andrew Lorenzen-Strait Describes His “Corrupt Bargain” Scheme; Brokering Massive $2 Billion Immigration Contracts with Federal Government

August 8, 2023

Freedom Fest 2023: What Federal Whistleblowers Revealed to Project Veritas

July 17, 2023

Political Shakedown for Millions: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Exports Migrant Crisis to Suburbs

June 14, 2023

Self-Admitted Child Porn Solicitor Based in Brooklyn Identified From Whistleblower Database of ‘Rapey.To’ Users; Brooklyn DA Presses No Charges

May 22, 2023

CASH COW: Pro-Transgender Medical Professionals Cashing-In on Lifelong Patients

April 25, 2023

Pro-Transgender Medical Officials Admit Minors Being Transitioned Without Restrictions: ‘We Brought in Our Own Therapist to Write Our Letters to Rubber Stamp Surgeries’ … ‘We Do Not Provide Authorities Any Records’

April 20, 2023

TOO YOUNG: Transgender ‘Health’ Doctors Prescribe Puberty Blockers to Minors as Young as Eight Years Old and Irreversible ‘Cross-Gender Hormones’ to Minors as Young as 14 Years Old

April 19, 2023

California Reverend Says it is ‘Critical’ to Discuss Sexual Identity and Gender with Children at a Young Age; Admits Parents Would ‘Be Upset’ if They Knew ‘Their Queer Kid was Coming to Me’ ... ‘I and the Older Queer Folks are Mentoring These Young Adults’

March 19, 2023

BREAKING: Confidential Pfizer Documents Reveal Pharmaceutical Giant Had ‘Evidence’ Suggesting ‘Increased Risk of Myocarditis’ Following COVID-19 Vaccinations in Early 2022

March 16, 2023

UNTOUCHABLE: Middle School Teacher BOASTS ‘Tenured’ Educators Should Use Status to Promote Sexual Child Grooming as Young as ‘Two or Three Years Old’; ‘Kids Are Coming Out at Younger and Younger Ages’ … ‘Plethora of Queer Flags That I Have in My Classroom’

March 13, 2023

New York School Teachers Detail LGBTQ+ Indoctrination Plan In Classrooms; ‘Have Your Drag Queens Come In’ … ‘Write a Math Sheet and Put a Picture of Someone On There Who is a Non-Binary’

March 9, 2023

New York Assistant Superintendent ‘Covertly’ Pushing DEI Agenda Within School District; ‘Politics’ is ‘My Job Now’ … Claims His ‘Sexual Identity’ is Important to Make ‘Connections with Kids’; Reveals ‘Explosion’ of Trans Students in Wake of COVID Pandemic

March 8, 2023
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