Big WIN for Free Speech on Campus at Siena College

College campuses beware!
There’s a new generation student of rabble-rousers taking on biased professors and school administrators. We know, because last week James O’Keefe attended the “Let Freedom Ring” event at Siena College, alongside other speakers such as Roger Stone, Austin Peterson, and Kassy Dillon.
Billed as a free speech event, the event was naturally embroiled in controversy.

In the weeks coming up to the event, a professor at the school lambasted conservative students in an internal email. A Siena College junior, Zachary Butler, posted hundreds of copies of that email around campus to raise awareness about the administrative bias problem at college. For his activities exposing the attitudes of college professors, Butler came under fire by the college.
Butler’s activism is similar to the journalism James O’Keefe did when he studied at Rutgers University.
In James’ speech to the students, he highlighted the reporting his Rutgers student newspaper did on the Stalinist bias of the school’s professors, how much money they made, and of course, the infamous Lucky Charms sting.
After answering some student questions afterwards, James asked Butler if he wanted to speak on camera to tell his story. What he said was really encouraging.
After our interview, the college’s charges against Zachary were dropped.
In an era of rampant suppression of ideas on college campuses, last week was a huge victory. Now, we just need to aim higher, and win even more battles on college campuses, like when we caught college administrators shredding copies of the U.S. Constitution.

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