Project Veritas

Hidden Camera: Senior Veterans Administration Official and Staff say VA Turning Veterans into Drug Addictsv

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  • Doctors, Nurses, Contract Workers, and Volunteers Speak About the Pill Pushing Practices and Over-Prescription Epidemic that Plague the VA and Affects Millions of Veterans

  • Father Speaks Candidly About how, with Proper Care from the VA, His Son’s Suicide Could have Been Prevented

Award-winning journalist and New York Times’ best-selling author James O’Keefe released a troubling and powerful video showing various VA employees, contractors and volunteers discussing the pill pushing culture of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the adverse affects it is having on our nation’s veterans. Dr. Maureen McCarthy, the Deputy Chief of Patient Services for the entire VA, was caught on hidden camera telling a Project Veritas investigative journalist that: “It’s people that have drug problems, some of which are caused by us and our prescribing.” In discussing the various cocktails of drugs given out by the VA, McCarthy stated: “That combination in particular is like candy for some people.  It’s like they want it, they want it, they want it.”

Sadly, on average, twenty-two U.S. veterans take their own lives each day. The VA appears to be a bit too eager to simply write prescription after prescription and move on to the next patient, rather than actually getting to the root of the problem many soldiers with P.T.S.D. face. Georgeann Davis, a senior VA volunteer based in Buffalo, NY, told a Project Veritas investigative journalist that: “In my opinion, they are creating drug addicts.”

In this video, O’Keefe, founder and president of Project Veritas, also sits down for an on-the-record interview with Bob Cranmer, whose son David was a veteran who tragically took his own life one month after being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.). Cranmer tells O’Keefe that he is indeed angry with the VA and that he believes his son’s death was preventable.

“This story truly saddened and humbled me,” stated James O’Keefe; “twenty-two veterans taking their own lives everyday after they have returned home from the battlefield is incomprehensible and unacceptable. The acknowledgement by Dr. McCarthy, a high ranking VA official, that the VA is essentially turning its patients, our veterans, into drug addicts is shameful and most certainly warrants both congressional and public scrutiny. Project Veritas will continue to expose the VA and fight for out nation’s heroes.”

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Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.