Violent ‘Our Revolution’ Chair Kris Jacks Reveals How Far He and Cohorts Have Infiltrated Colorado Democratic Party: "Member of...Executive and Central Committee & Dozens of Other Committees’; ‘Comfortable Majority on the Weld Co Dem Party Exec Committee’
Key Points
Kris Jacks: “I’m also a member of the Colorado’s Democratic Party’s Congressional District Four Committee.”
Jacks: “12 of our 14 members that go to state Democratic Party for this – for Colorado are ‘Our Revolution’ members.”
Jacks: “We have an ‘Our Revolution’ member in leadership on the Weld County Democratic Party – that’s two years of transformation.”
Denver Police Department responds to concerns over Kris Jacks’ calls for violence: “This information will be passed along to proper personnel.”
CenturyLink suspends Kris Jacks after Project Veritas video goes public: “We recently became aware of comments made by an employee. We do not condone this type of activity and have contacted the appropriate law enforcement agencies. We have suspended the employee pending the results of an investigation.”
Colorado Democratic Party still silent on Kris Jacks exposé.
[DENVER—Oct. 14, 2020] Project Veritas released a second video today exposing Our Revolution’s infiltration of Colorado’s Democratic Party.

Kristopher Jacks, who chairs Weld County’s chapter of Our Revolution, is on video admitting to the significant takeover of Colorado’s Democratic Party by his group.
“It’s shocking that Colorado’s Democratic Party still has not commented on this story, especially since Jacks’ employer, CenturyLink, has already suspended him and reported him to law enforcement agencies,” said Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe.

The Denver Police Department responded to several concerned citizens on Twitter last night saying that they are looking into the matter.
“After the Kris Jacks exposé was launched Tuesday, many Twitter users expressed concern about Jacks’ radical and violent comments, which prompted them to tag the Denver Police Department,” O’Keefe said.

“The Denver Police Department’s response gives us hope that the authorities take this matter seriously and are looking to stop any further street violence from taking place,” he said.
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Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.