Undercover: Middle School Health Teacher Caught on Camera Offering Cocaine

This second video of the Project Veritas undercover teachers union series shows how some teachers don’t practice what they preach and could potentially get away with drug abuse on campus.
While Project Veritas journalists were at the New Jersey Educators Association (NJEA) Conference in 2015 revisiting the unethical stomping ground of the teachers previously featured in James O’Keefe’s “Teachers Gone Wild” undercover series, PV journalists encountered Robert Klein, a middle school gym teacher at Howell Township Middle School in New Jersey.
In O’Keefe’s video, Klein invites PV journalists to his hotel room at the Borgata to party on November 5, 2015. When the journalists encounter Klein, he invites the journalists to snort cocaine with him, and tells the journalists about his drug use as a teacher.
“I am a teacher. I’m not driving around with fucking weed in my car. But I’ll have it delivered to my house. If you come to my home, Like this, you come to my home at night, you come to my room now, I have booze, I have water, I have blow at the house…you know whatever anybody wants I have there, and I don’t mind having it there. Because it’s easy, it’s just one guy who delivers it and drops it off,” said Klein.
After admitting that he does cocaine and smokes marijuana, Klein continued to emphasize how he uses his knowledge from working with drug dogs on the campus of the middle school he teaches at, and how it has taught him how to carry drugs and not get caught. “But if someone says to me, you’ve got to drive over like three towns away from where I live and pick this up, and drive home, I’ll be like no. Like I work with the police in the school district with the drug dogs and they teach us, and they teach our kids how the drug dogs sniff out drugs. No we’re not putting drugs in my car! Blow different. You put it in your pocket, it’s nothing,” said Klein.
When PV journalists suggested that Klein should be careful with his drug use since he is a teacher, he became suspicious and tried to check the journalists for hidden recording devices. “What, look at you two. You got fuckin’ wires on? [teacher grabs PV journalist and pats him down] No look at this guy, he’s got a wire on.”
Klein calmed down and the journalists were not caught, but they were once again offered cocaine from Klein. “Let’s go. Let’s go have drinks. If you want some blow you can have a bump. You can do whatever you want,” said Klein.
After the conference, PV journalists visited Ronald Villano, a New Jersey Education Association official in Klein’s district. The PV journalist suggested that she knew a teacher with a drug problem, without revealing Klein’s name. We wanted to find out whether the union would help the teacher. Surprisingly, the union official was giving advice on how the teacher could avoid being caught with drugs on campus.
Villano: “Well if he’s using during the day then he’s carrying it with him.”
PV Journalist: “Well he doesn’t bring it with him to school usually because he’s a health and physical education teacher.”
Villano: “He should know better.”
PV Journalist: “Know better to not bring it to school.”
Villano: “No, know better what the drug does to you.”
PV Journalist: “Yeah he should you’re right. But because he knows when they’re doing like searches and stuff like that so he never brings it then.”
Villano: “Well they have dog sniffing, they have drug sniffing dogs they bring for that.”
PV Journalist: “Yeah and they usually alert him when that’s happening.”
Villano: “They’ll pick up a trace and that dog will sniff that gym or the health room wherever he’s in.”
PV Journalist: “Okay so he should stop bringing it to school.”
Villano: “Yeah I would strongly urge him. But I would strongly urge him to turn himself in to get help. To get rehab.”
PV Journalist: Okay so he should keep his mouth shut. That’s what you would say.
Villano: Ah yeah. Because he’s jeopardizing his job.
PV Journalist: By talking.
Villano: Yeah and the school will turn him into the police.
PV Journalist: That’s worse case scenario.
Villano: Yeah. He’ll lose a lot more than just his job. He’ll lose his livelihood.
Even when the union is faced with a report of a teacher who may be using drugs on campus, their main priority is to protect the teacher instead of the children. To prove the hypocrisy of the physical education and health teacher even more, Project Veritas presented Klein with the New Star Learning “Stay Ahead Award,” for Excellence in Drug Abuse Awareness on April 20, 2016.
While accepting his award, Klein had this advice for his students: “Give yourself a natural high instead of doing drugs,” said Klein.
Clearly Mr. Klein needs to practice his own advice before dishing it out to minors.
The first video of this new Project Veritas series is available here.
About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.