Statement from James O’Keefe on the Wisconsin Senator Mike Ellis Investigation
The following is a statement from the founder and President of Project Veritas, James O’Keefe, on the investigation of Senator Mike Ellis (R-WI):
“Project Veritas’ mission is to expose fraud, corruption and hypocrisy, regardless of party affiliation or beliefs. While many in the media report, Project Veritas verifies. In this instance Sen. Ellis spent years telling the public he stood for strict campaign finance reforms only to be caught privately communicating the exact opposite. Worse yet, while telling the public he is fighting to ban third-party coordination between candidates and independent expenditures, he intended to surreptitiously use that exact coordination to personally benefit his own re-election. Project Veritas is a leading national newsmaker. We investigate, we verify, we make the findings of our research available directly to the people. America’s faith in government is at historic lows, largely due to hypocrisy, corruption and self-dealing. We deserve better and should expect more from those in whom we have placed public trust. By exposing those who have broken that public trust, Project Veritas hopes to, over time, rebuild it. We will continue to launch investigations, verify facts, and release videos, and our efforts will be expanding in the next few months. We welcome all tips, leads and contributions on our website.”
About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.