Self-Admitted Child Porn Solicitor Based in Brooklyn Identified From Whistleblower Database of ‘Rapey.To’ Users; Brooklyn DA Presses No Charges
Key Points
Jonathan, Rapey.To Member: “I just viewed” child pornography.
Jonathan: “I was” trying to receive child pornography.
Jonathan: “That sort of thing is connected to my addiction…Porn.”
Jonathanw: “I did have a fetish [for child pornography]. I have therapy to help me get over that addiction.”
Jonathan: “You gonna tell the police?”
Ryan Montgomery, Whistleblower & Data Security Expert: “I saw that there were pedophiles, self-proclaimed serial killers, rapists, every single type of horrible human being you can imagine [on this website].”
Montgomery: “Am I scared of the legal implications? Obviously, yes. I don’t want to go through any legal ramifications for trying to do a good thing [by exposing pedophiles]. I had no bad intentions. I was trying to help children.”
[NEW YORK – May 22, 2023] Project Veritas released a new video today exposing an underground online pedophile network -- which was brought forth by Data Security Expert, Ryan Montgomery.

Montgomery sat down with Veritas to detail how he uncovered a wide-ranging network of individuals who view and share child pornography by using random emails and usernames to avoid law enforcement detection.
“I saw that there were pedophiles, self-proclaimed serial killers, rapists, every single type of horrible human being you can imagine [on this website],” Montgomery said.
Veritas journalists followed up on the information provided by Montgomery and tracked down one of the individuals listed as a member of the website, Rapey.To, named Jonathan.
Upon being confronted with data from Rapey.To, Jonathan admitted to being a member and engaging in questionable activities in the dark web:
Veritas Journalist: This website ‘Rapey.To,’ were you a member of this website?
Jonathan: I was…That sort of thing is connected to my addiction.
Veritas Journalist: Right. What is your addiction?
Jonathan: Porn.
Veritas Journalist: It’s safe to assume that you’re attracted to children?
Jonathan: I did have a fetish. I have therapy to help me get over that addiction.
Jonathan also described an occasion in which he attempted to obtain child pornography:
Veritas Journalist: From your account it says, “Make a video I f**ked a little girl in the school basement.” I just wanted to ask you what that was, what you meant by it. Like... were you telling the truth?
Jonathan: No, that was just a bluff. It was a lie. And I only did that to kind of lure her. Lure the female pedophile for her -- kind of -- just to tempt her into sending something.
Veritas Journalist: So, you were trying to receive child porn at that time?
Jonathan: I was. Yeah, through making a lie about that.
Montgomery told Veritas that he came forward because he trusted Veritas’ journalism. He believes that exposing potential pedophiles to protect children is a worthwhile endeavor.
“Am I scared of the legal implications? Obviously, yes. I don’t want to go through any legal ramifications for trying to do a good thing [by exposing pedophiles]. I had no bad intentions. I was trying to help children.”
About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.