Project Veritas Investigates Voter Fraud In Minnesota 24 hours in Advance of today’s Presidential Caucus

PARAMUS, NEW JERSEY– During today’s Presidential Caucus in Minnesota, voters may be surprised to see the ease in which individuals may register to vote for themselves or others without identification requirements of any kind.
In advance of the 2012 Presidential Caucus, Project Veritas’ investigators visited the Land of 10,000 lakes yesterday and inquired with voter registration officials if they could register on behalf of others . . . . . .including the names of today’s NFL star quarterbacks:
Project Veritas Investigator: “Thomas Brady he just happened to be assaulted in Minnesota so he’s going through a lot of depression so he can’t come in to register to vote.
Voter Registration Official: That’s all right . . . if he fills this form out, then he would get on the list where he would automatically, every election, get one of these forms in the mail which he would then fill out and mail to us and then we would send him a ballot.
Project Veritas Investigator: “Timothy Tebow, he got in a car accident recently and I don’t think he’s going to be able physically to come in to cast a ballot to vote”
Voter Registration Official: He can always absentee vote.
After visiting five voter-registration offices, Project Veritas’ investigators were provided with dozens of voter-registration applications that simply had to be mailed back with no identification, notarization, or other means of verification.
To view our latest investigation, click here!
When our investigator asked, “There would be no way of knowing if some one has misrepresented themselves on the form, this correct?”
The voter registration worker responded, “We’re not the police.”
Project Veritas’ president, James O’Keefe commented, “After PV legally exposed how easy it is to commit voter fraud in New Hampshire, our revelations in Minnesota show a deep flaw in our electoral system.
“Given that a comedian from Minnesota was elected to the United States Senate in 2008 with a margin of 312 votes, and that 341 convicted felons obtained ballots and illegally voted during that election, this is an issue that should be brought to light with the utmost urgency.”
Click here to watch video.
About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.