Project Veritas

Project Veritas Exposes Voter Fraud, Media Hypocrisy

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Members of the political and media establishment have their hands full spinning the fallout from Project Veritas’ latest investigative report on voter fraud. Ever since we released explosive footage taken during the New Hampshire primary, pundits from Al Sharpton to Keith Olbermann have been tying themselves up in knots claiming that voter fraud does not exist while at the same time demanding that James O’Keefe now be prosecuted for committing it.

New Hampshire’s governor, John Lynch, when asked about our report said: “I think it is outrageous that we have out-of-staters coming into New Hampshire, coming into our polling places and misrepresenting themselves to the election officials, and I hope that they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, if in fact they’re found guilty of some criminal act.” Unfortunately for the governor, not a single one of our citizen journalists broke any laws or misrepresented themselves in any way to election officials or anyone else while filming this report. They simply inquired to poll workers if a certain individual’s name was present on the voter list, and were then offered a ballot with no further questions.

In stark contrast to Governor Lynch’s reaction, William O’Brien, speaker of the New Hampshire House called our footage “shocking” and said that, “Despite the governor’s veto of the photo ID bill last year, the House will begin again this year to restore confidence in our elections by passing legislation to require a photo ID.”

Regardless, it’s clear that Project Veritas has struck a nerve with our latest report, and we fully expect the attacks to continue and intensify as we pursue this investigation.

About Project Veritas

Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.