Project Veritas Exposes SEIU Political Corruption

Newark, NJ –Project Veritas has released a new video exposing evidence of a quid pro quo relationship between Senator Robert Menendez and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).”
The purpose of this investigation is to demonstrate the clear conflict of interest that exists when an elected representative of the American people is bought and paid for by organized labor,” says O’Keefe. “As we demonstrated in July, these union bosses don’t have the taxpayers’ interests in mind. Their primary objective is to get more public funding for make-work projects to increase compulsory dues and then use those dues to purchase political influence.”
In a previous report released in July, top New York union bosses were caught in candid discussions regarding a federally funded program known as “Green Jobs, Green New York,” with one leader calling much of the $112 million program “bullshit.”
“This is significant because labor unions are some of the biggest beneficiaries of taxpayer-funded jobs,” says O’Keefe. “If they’re intentionally propping up paper jobs, then they’re complicit in the fleecing of taxpayers.”
The latest video from Project Veritas captures Newark SEIU President Rahaman Muhammad laying out in explicit terms the nature of the relationship between his union and lawmakers like Democrat Senator Robert Menendez.
Project Veritas: “So that means you’re going to get the union dues…”
SEIU: “Exactly!”
Project Veritas: “…to your campaign.”
SEIU: “Exactly! It benefits them.”
“Unfortunately,” explains O’Keefe, “This arrangement doesn’t benefit the taxpayer. They’re the ones picking up the tab while unions and politicians profit from boondoggles like $112 million dollars in ‘bullshit’ Green Jobs.”
About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.