Project Veritas

Paranoia in Hillary’s Campaign?

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“They’ve become paranoid,” said Clinton Foundation President and CEO Donna Shalala in recently uncovered audio about Bill and Hillary Clinton. “Paranoia. Thinking people are out to get them, this right-wing conspiracy stuff.”

Zeke Miller of Time Magazine just reported that Hillary Clinton’s campaign believes they have been infiltrated by undercover operatives from Project Veritas:

Hillary Clinton’s campaign offices around the country have been put on alert after at least two women approached Iowa staff under the guise of being supporters in an apparent effort to catch the campaign engaging in improper or illegal activity, a Clinton campaign official said.

The motivations of the women is not known, but their alleged techniques match those of Project Veritas, the conservative group run by James O’Keefe, which specializes in undercover stings meant to embarrass liberal groups and politicians. The group declined to comment on the Clinton campaign’s allegations. “Project Veritas does not comment on investigations, real or imagined,” said Daniel Pollack, the director of communications for the group.

As our Comms guy Daniel said, we don’t comment about either real or imagined investigations, but the level of paranoia within the Clinton campaign is certainly interesting.

The bottom line is that innocent campaigns don’t have their “offices around the country” “put on alert.” One wonders what they are hiding over at Clinton HQ, aside from perhaps a few emails.

If they really have nothing to hide, perhaps they’ll allow one of our reporters access as a member of the press pool covering the campaign. Since Hillary just denied pool access to David Martosko of the Daily Mail, we hear that there is an immediate spot open.

About Project Veritas

Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.