New Hampshire Voter Admits Voter Fraud? Cast Second Ballot Out-of-State

“He should not be voting here anymore, in Florida”
New Hampshire Resident May Have Illegally Cast Early Ballot in Florida
NH Law: Voting in More Than One State is a Class B Felony
FL Law: Residency Required to Vote
Faces of Voter Fraud #3
UPDATE 1: The New Hampshire Attorney General’s office handed Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe a subpoena after being shown this video report.
UPDATE 2: Assistant Attorney General Nicholas Chong Yen responded to the video: “We will determine whether or not to commence an investigation and go from there.”
UPDATE 3: Project Veritas has released a response to the New Hampshire AG’s Grand Jury subpoena.
UPDATE 4: Sources tell Project Veritas that an individual in the Attorney General’s office took action on the subpoena without the instruction of the Attorney General.
(Concord) Project Veritas has released undercover footage (full video below) of a New Hampshire resident admitting to voting twice in the 2018 general election. Robert Bell, an Atkinson, New Hampshire resident, cast an early voting ballot in Florida and voted in person at the polls in New Hampshire. This is the third video in a series Project Veritas has released exposing the faces of voter fraud.
Said Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe,
“Voter fraud is real. The integrity of the American electoral system is being undermined. Election insiders, poll workers, and even voters can help Project Veritas expose double voting, ballot harvesting, and voting by illegal aliens.
Officials from election offices in both New Hampshire and Florida confirm that Robert Bell voted in the 2018 elections. Bell says he voted for candidates for federal offices in both states.
Bell states that while he is a New Hampshire resident and voted in New Hampshire, he voted in Florida as well when he was visiting the state for a funeral:
JOURNALIST: … I’m also seeing that you voted absentee in Florida in the 2018 election…
BELL: Yeah I was down there for a funeral and so I voted in early voting.
JOURNALIST: So, you early voted in Florida in 2018 and you voted in person in the polls here in New Hampshire?
BELL: Uh, I guess I did.
Bell also states he hasn’t owned a Florida property “for a couple years” and that he is “still on the voter list” as a registered voter. Bell says that he is “definitely” a resident of New Hampshire but still has a Florida driver’s license.
Sharon Bell, Robert Bell’s ex-wife who lives at the address Robert Bell used to vote in Florida says that Mr. Bell hasn’t lived in that Florida home for three years and that “he should not be voting here anymore, in Florida.”
In New Hampshire, voting in more than one state is prohibited as a class B felony. Florida law imposes residency requirements to vote. Federal law punishes double-voting.
Faces Of Voter Fraud
This is the third video in a series of voter fraud investigations conducted by Project Veritas. Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe says that elections insiders and poll-workers can help expose double voting, ballot harvesting, or voting by illegal aliens by visiting www.projectveritas.com/brave.
See the first video in this series.
See the second video in this series.

About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.