LEAK: New Google RESIST Doc Shows “Internal Beginner’s Guide To Protesting,” “Resist@Google”
Key Points
Newly leaked doc shows coordination of protest through internal “Resist@Google.com” group
Suggested signs include, “Resist,” “No Ban No Wall,” “#NoMuslimBan #No Wall”
EXAMPLE CHANT: “From Palestine to Mexico, All the walls have got to go”
The full document can be accessed HERE.
(New York) — Project Veritas has obtained a document from an insider at Google which appears to show internal suggestions of how to protest political events.
Said Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe:
“This document leak is the fourth in a series of leaks from inside Google and their subsidiary, YouTube. This new document appears to show internal coordination of political protests which contradicts Google’s public statements that they are politically neutral. More tech insiders are coming forward and we will continue to work with them to expose the secrets of Silicon Valley.”
(Do you work in Big Tech? Project Veritas would love to hear from you.)
The document, labeled “The Beginner’s Guide to Protesting (#GooglersUnite)”, states it was created to:
“assemble best practices and ensure that everyone feels comfortable and pumped about Resist@Google.com marches/protests.”
The document includes politically-charged “Example Chants”:

In the section titled the “Do’s and Don’ts”, the document tells readers that they should not “feel obligated to stop at crosswalks” and that the “point is to disrupt.”
The full document can be accessed HERE.
Google executive Jen Gennai’s said in response the first of four Project Veritas Google reports:
“Google has repeatedly been clear that it works to be a trustworthy source of information, without regard to political viewpoint. In fact, Google has no notion of political ideology in its rankings.”
More insiders can securely share their stories with Project Veritas at VeritasTips@protonmail.com. Project Veritas seeks impactful stories from insiders in technology, government, media, and education.
(Do you work in Big Tech? Project Veritas would love to hear from you.)
Document Below:

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Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.