James O’Keefe to Pajamas Media: “The Establishment Is Terrified”
Last month, James O’Keefe addressed a standing-room-only crowd at the RightOnline 2011 conference in Minnesota, and told attendees exactly how to replicate his success as a citizen journalist.
Afterward, Pajamas Media caught up with our muckraker-in-chief to talk about why the establishment press criticizes Project Veritas instead of helping to support our investigative reporting. “They’re liars,” O’Keefe said bluntly. “They’re playing defense.”
He also told PJTV that, prior to RightOnline, dozens of letters were sent to a New Jersey judge urging him to deny O’Keefe’s request for permission to attend the conference.
The letters failed, but the episode is a telling illustration of what former NPR CEO Vivian Schiller told a gathering of media personalities in New York City recently. The establishment fears James O’Keefe and is “terrified” of becoming Project Veritas’ next target.
But if members of the establishment think they can stop the power of our movement for truth by suppressing our reports or keeping James O’Keefe in New Jersey, they are mistaken.
There are too many of us to stop now. At this very moment, an army of citizen journalists is conducting investigations nationwide, and we’re about to strike again.
Click here to watch the whole conversation with PJTV.
About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.