Hillary Clinton Repeatedly Denies Knowing Democrat Operative Linked to Inciting Violence at Trump Rallies Following Veritas Legal Victory
Key Points
Hillary Clinton was approached by Project Veritas reporters seeking comment on Shirley Teter being ordered by a Federal Judge to pay Project Veritas’ legal costs from a defamation suit stemming from a 2016 investigation into Democracy Partners.
Formerly ran by Bob Creamer, Democracy Partners is a political organization with ties to the Democratic Party that was exposed for inciting violence at campaign rallies. After Project Veritas published its investigation, Creamer resigned, saying “I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton.”
When asked if she would pay the legal costs ordered by a federal judge on behalf of Teter, Clinton repeatedly denied knowing anything about Teter, Democracy Partners, or Creamer saying “I don’t understand that. I don’t know Bob Creamer.”
When pressed further, Clinton declined to state if she would pay for Teter’s legal bills, including when approached by a separate Project Veritas reporter when leaving the National Action Network luncheon event where Clinton spoke.
[NEW YORK – Apr. 7, 2022] Project Veritas has published video of former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton repeatedly denying knowledge of the story of a woman who was recently ordered to pay Project Veritas’ legal costs from a defamation suit stemming from a 2016 investigation the group Democracy Partners which organized on her behalf.

When asked if she would pay Teter’s legal costs, Clinton repeatedly denied knowing anything about Teter, Democracy Partners, or its former President Bob Creamer saying “I don’t understand that. I don’t know Bob Creamer.”
After Project Veritas published its investigation into Democracy Partners which revealed the group was responsible for inciting violence at Trump rallies, Creamer resigned, saying “I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton.” Creamer was featured in that investigation saying that Clinton’s campaign is aware of the group's activities “through chain of command.”
When pressed further, Clinton declined to state if she would pay for Teter’s legal bills, including when approached by a separate Project Veritas reporter while leaving the National Action Network luncheon event where Clinton spoke.
Last week U.S. District Judge Martin Reidinger overruled a decision by a court clerk to deny Project Veritas’ motion for Teter to pay legal costs questioning the basis of her claim that she was “indigent” and therefore could not afford the expenses.
The Judge also expressed bewilderment over why a baseless lawsuit was brought by several “pro bono” attorneys from around the country, one of whom was quick to protest, without being asked, “we’re not paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign or by the Democratic party or anything like that.”
“Mr. Sasser only raised more questions by his unsolicited statement specifically disclaiming that the lawsuit was being funded by the Clinton campaign or the Democratic Party,” said Judge Reidinger.
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