Here’s What People are Saying About James O’Keefe’s New Book

Here’s what people are saying about AMERICAN PRAVDA: My Fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News…
“American Pravda, this is a book that you got to read, My Fight for the Truth and the Era of Fake News. There’s a lot of fake news” – Sean Hannity, Fox News
“His new book, American Pravda: My Fight For Truth in the Era of Fake News, offers a brisk chronicle of his efforts to speak truth to power and beam light into the darkness of the deep state and the media-industrial complex that helps keep the dominant narrative impervious to dissent. The chief difference, O’Keefe observes, between the Russian newspaper Pravda and the dominant American media is that the Russian people knew they were being lied to. “Pravda” might mean “truth,” but no one was fooled. In contemporary America, there is still a presumption that the media is, at bottom, honest. O’Keefe has done as much as anyone to expose the fragility of that assumption….
…This book is a clarion call on behalf of accountability, transparency, and responsible government: items high on the rhetorical agenda of the bureaucrats that run our lives but somehow always forgotten when it comes to their exercising power.” – Roger Kimball, The New Criterion
“The mainstream media, led by the Washington Post, New York Times, and CNN, are out for revenge against President Trump for labeling them “fake news” and using social media to get around them, according to an explosive forthcoming book by muckraker James O’Keefe.” – Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner
“There is a disconcerting scene about midway through American Pravda: My Fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News, the new book by conservative activist-slash-gonzo-journalist-slash-inveterate-troll James O’Keefe, a scene that made me ponder at length what he does, and what we do, we being the proud members of the coastal elite media establishment…”
“…American Pravda is worth reading, if only to understand how conservatives view the media—and, also, how conservative media works. It is a complex ecosystem, one in which Twitter and Reddit feed into Fox News, which in turn speaks directly to Trump. While not an especially eloquent writer, O’Keefe does a good job of explaining how something from /The_Donald subreddit ends up on the evening news, not to mention in a print-out on the Resolute desk in the Oval Office.” – Alexander Nazaryan, Newsweek
Mr. O’Keefe has given us a thoughtful, fast moving, strongly written and highly entertaining book. – John R. Coyne Jr., The Washington Times
“I think he’s done amazing work and he gets criticized but he’s exposed some pretty ugly things…
“…When you do a lot of things you’re always going to get criticized. But his overall approach of trying to find out bad things going on, like Planned Parenthood, that’s for the good.” – Steve Forbes, The Wrap
“The collapse of journalism as we knew it, and the lack of any sign of a return to traditional standards, explains why I found myself in an unfamiliar setting last week. It was the book launch of “American Pravda,” the latest work by James O’Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas…
“… O’Keefe, despite his mistakes, has revealed evidence of serious wrongdoing and unethical behavior that no one else did or would…
“…the reprehensible conduct of so-called legitimate news organizations. They, too, are guilty of deception by pretending to offer straight news when they function more like propaganda outlets for the Democratic Party.
“…O’Keefe’s deception is not materially different from theirs. In fact, he’s more honest…
“…Moreover, as O’Keefe stressed at his well-attended book launch, many of the celebrated muckraking journalists of the early 20th century went undercover to expose social horrors. “We’re doing what people used to do,” he said, adding his book is about “what went wrong in journalism.”
“…O’Keefe has a passion for gathering facts and sharing them that recalls the best journalists I have known. And he is right that journalism history was written by people who went undercover to expose scandals…
“…O’Keefe is in that mold. Smart, committed and fearless, he’s a modern muckraker worth watching.” – Michael Goodwin, New York Post
“James O’Keefe’s book is revelatory, scandalous, shocking and – yes, funny as hell as well. Told by a youthful but battle-hardened warrior deep in enemy lines of the culture wars, “American Pravda” pulls back the iron curtains of institutional corruption to reveal a red-rimmed hellscape of falsehood and manipulation. A powerful and inspirational read, highly recommended” – Stefan Molyneux, Freedomain Radio
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Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.