Enrique Tarrio - Chase Bank
Enrique Tarrio, a customer of Chase bank, came to us with a story of his account being shut down for what he believed to be political purposes.
Before the account’s termination, Tarrio, whose website sells provocative conservative merchandise, spoke to Chase bank professionals. Tarrio says that phone operators for Chase were unable to explain why his business account was being terminated.
Conversations in various Chase bank offices were recorded and provided to Project Veritas.
Multiple Chase account and bank managers were unable to assist Tarrio, saying that inquiries regarding the closure of his business account would have to be directed to the “executive office.”
Said one of the Chase bankers, Marcel Smith:
“I see nothing that indicates any reason why the account should be closed, I don’t see any outstanding transactions or anything ridiculous.”
Chase bank typically gives its customers a reason for account closures, says Smith:
“I’ve never seen them not give a response to someone whose account they had closed.”
An analyst from the Chase executive office, Nora, told Tarrio that his account was being closed for various clerical issues. In a phone conversation with Nora, which was published by Project Veritas, Tarrio clarifies there were no clerical issues.
“The Right Relationship is Everything”
Undercover audio from a conversation with a Chase employee working in Chase Corporate Global Media Relations reveal that Chase bank makes political judgments about their customers.
JOURNALIST: I don’t want to do business with anyone who does business with Steve Bannon, or any of these alt right people, and that’s just one of my prerequisites.
CHASE: Right, right. As far as I’m concerned, we’re not connected with Steve Bannon.
JOURNALIST: Do you have standards in place that would preempt such relationship with anyone, um of Steve Bannon’s –
CHASE: Oh definitely. Definitely, definitely.
JOURNALIST: That’s what I’m calling to inquire about. Tell me more.
CHASE: Right so I mean, Chase is not involved with any like, you know, alt right people or anything. I really can’t name names but it’s basically like we don’t get involved with any of that…
JOURNALIST: … I don’t expect for you guys, I’m not talking about who you guys give money to –
CHASE: No, just any business relationships, period.
JOURNALIST: Really? Okay… So I mean on my end I’m talking about people like Trump supporters for instance. The MAGA, whatever – make, whatever the hell they, those types of people, I mean individuals –
CHASE: Right, right. I know what you mean, but like I said the call is being recorded, monitored, so I can’t get too political. And say I don’t support these people, or this, but you know, any kind of business entity, people like that, no moral character or anything like that, the bank usually doesn’t get involved with that.”

Chase Bank Communications Officer Patricia Wexler responded to this report, saying: “We do not close accounts due to political affiliation. Despite what was described in the video, that was NOT someone from Global Corporate Media Relations. As I’m sure you can appreciate, I’m not able to share any personal details on anyone’s individual or business account.”

About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.