Project Veritas

Disgust over Wendy Davis

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“Disgust over Davis,” that’s how the media is framing Project Veritas’ most recent video, showing Battleground Texas staff and Wendy Davis supporters disparaging Attorney General Greg Abbott for being in a wheelchair.

We released our video last week, the day after Davis said that Abbott’s questioning her story proves “he hasn’t walked a day in my shoes.”

This video sparked a media firestorm across the country, forcing immediate responses from Greg Abbott, Wendy Davis, Battleground Texas and top media personalities.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck covered our video on Fox & Friends saying, “to try to destroy someone because of their disability is disgusting,” and Governor Huckabee made strong comments saying, “if that’s the brand of politics we’re going to have to tolerate and put up with in America, then we all need to get out and vote and make sure people like that don’t get elected to anything,” during his show this weekend.

Naturally, this made many furious, and they are lashing back.

Jeremy Bird, the former national field director for Obama’s re-election campaign, recently told the Austin American-Statesman, “We shouldn’t be wasting any time talking about his work.”

Of course he doesn’t want to talk about my work. Bird and his friends want to hide the dirty truths I expose. 

But that’s not all they are doing. They are going to desperate measures to hide from Project Veritas.

Wade Rathke, the founder of ACORN, said he “put out instructions and guides on how to identify possible O’Keefe acolytes. We set up an early warning system in all of our offices for any suspicious characters or questions that seemed inappropriate. We did office-by-office training sessions on how to handle O’Keefers. We required a minimum of a weekly role play session with all staff with an organizer being an O’Keefe and walking each organizer through how to handle him or her.”

The same article reported that “Battleground sought to keep 10,000 volunteers from saying or doing anything that might play into O’Keefe’s hands.”

What must really terrify them however, this is just our first video of 2014. Just wait until you see what we have on tape that we haven’t released yet.

About Project Veritas

Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.