Chaos in New York Polls: Brooklyn Poll Worker Caught Committing Probable Voter Fraud Felony

James O’Keefe, president and founder of Project Veritas, released a powerful and troubling new video today showing chaos and corruption in New York City’s election process.
In this new video, Project Veritas journalists and James O’Keefe visit numerous poll sites across the five boroughs of New York City and engage in conversations with election officials in an effort to expose the broken and fraudulent election system in New York. Shockingly, our journalists caught election officials at various poll sites who were more than willing to bend the rules to help our journalists potentially commit voter fraud.
In this video, Sharon Sweeting-Lindsey, a poll worker, advises a Project Veritas journalist on how she can get away with committing voter fraud by voting Democratic in Brooklyn by means of using a false address. “The only thing I can tell you is that we go by word. So if you, we can only go we don’t interview and question. If you basically say that you reside in an address. If you give me an address, we look up the address and we put you in and you attest to the fact that you live there. So that’s your call”, said Sweeting-Lindsey.
There is a high probability that Sweeting-Lindsey committed a felony. Under New York election law, “Any election officer who “wilfully violates any provision of the election law relative to the registration of electors or to the taking, recording, counting, canvassing, tallying or certifying of votes, or who wilfully neglects or refuses to perform any duty imposed on him by law, or is guilty of any fraud in the execution of the duties of his office, or connives in any electoral fraud, or knowingly permits any such fraud to be practiced, is guilty of a felony.” N.Y. Elec. 17-106. Under N.Y. Elec. 17-132(2), it is illegal for any person who “aids, assists, counsels or advises any person to go or come into any election district, for the purpose of voting at any election, knowing that such person is not qualified.”
New York law also says, “Under N.Y. Elec. 17-132(4), it is illegal for any person who “aids, assists, commands or advises another to vote or offer or attempt to vote at an election, knowing that such person is not qualified to vote thereat.” Similarly, under N.Y. Elec. 17-132(5) it is illegal for anyone who “Prompts a person, applying to vote, to falsely answer questions put to him by the inspectors concerning his identity or qualifications for voting.”
At another polling location, a journalist from Yonkers asks to vote in Brooklyn. By law, she is not allowed to vote in Brooklyn, but the election worker lets her anyway, despite the journalist reaffirming that she lives in Yonkers. “Okay no problem. Just fill this out…and sign and date. And this will be your ballot, and it will be counted as well,” said the poll worker. The poll worker was also willing to let a van full of Project Veritas journalists posing as out-of-town voters vote in Brooklyn as well.
As can be seen in the video, Project Veritas journalists were presented with numerous opportunities to vote and commit voter fraud, but no Project Veritas journalists voted, because that would have been illegal.
Not only was there a lot of confusion about election rules and the law, but there was confusion over polling place dress codes. In various polling locations, Project Veritas journalists wore political attire and received an array of responses. When one journalist walked into a poll site with a Make America Great Again hat on with the stated intention of voting in the Republican primary for Donald Trump, the poll worker responded by saying, “Can I ask you to do something? Because you’re in a polling place, can you please take off your hat?”
At another polling location an election worker asked a Project Veritas journalist to cover up her Bernie Sanders shirt, saying “You can just button that up”, after she said she wanted to vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary.
“Our video exposes how corrupt and chaotic the New York Board of Elections has become. The system is broken, corrupt, and needs to be fixed immediately. If we can bring a fake van of voters into numerous polling sites, what’s going to stop a corrupt campaign from doing the same thing, says Project Veritas President James O’Keefe.
About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.