Anonymous - Twitter
Project Veritas released a video on January 14, 2021, that was provided to us by an Insider at Twitter. This anonymous Insider recorded Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey calling for more action against President Trump and his supporters on the platform.
Dorsey said that censoring Trump was just the beginning.
“We are focused on one account [@realDonaldTrump] right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week, and the next few weeks, and go on beyond the inauguration,” he said.
“So, the focus is certainly on this account [@realDonaldTrump] and how it ties to real world violence. But also, we need to think much longer term around how these dynamics play out over time. I don't believe this is going away anytime soon.”
Dorsey said that political tensions were high in the United States.
“You know, the U.S. is extremely divided. Our platform is showing that every single day,” he said.

The Twitter Insider also recorded a senior executive at Twitter, Vijaya Gadde, detailing plans to replicate censorship measures around the world.
“One of the interesting things is a lot of the work that we've been doing over the last week is work that we’ve built on in other places around the world, where we've seen violence unfold as a result of either misleading information or coded rhetoric,” Gadde said.
“A lot of our learnings here [in the United States] have come from other markets. So, in that sense, you know, we do feel like it is - this is our global approach,” she said.
“We need to be very focused on being able to enforce any of these policies or enforcement decisions we make at scale,” she said.
Gadde defended censoring tweets in the United States that bring attention to voter fraud.
“We decided to escalate our enforcement of the civic integrity policy and use a label that disabled engagements to stop the spread of potentially inflammatory content, which is the content around election interference, election fraud, stealing the election, that type of thing,” she said.
“We think that the severity of what’s happening on the ground, coupled with the information that’s contained in these [election fraud] tweets -- misleading information about the election being stolen and massive fraud around the election are what is changing our analysis of how we should enforce this [civic integrity] policy,” she said. “It [election fraud tweets] is a much more severe violation given what we were seeing on the ground.”
Gadde said Twitter will go further than just limiting the visibility of tweets that the company deems dangerous.
“We're going to actually be more aggressive in our enforcement beyond de-amplification,” she said.

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Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.