Anonymous - CNN
A Brave CNN Insider reached out to Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe in the fall of 2020 and provided the dial-in information for CNN’s executive morning meetings, which were recorded by Project Veritas’ team for months. The findings were published in December 2020 and led to wall-to-wall coverage on Fox News and other Mainstream Media outlets for weeks. Before publishing the tapes, James O'Keefe dialed in to one of the CNN morning calls and questioned CNN President Jeff Zucker on his network's journalistic integrity.

CNN President Jeff Zucker: “Trump continuing to undermine election integrity with baseless claims of fraud. OK? And he's continuing to do it. And that leads to the question of whether or not Trump, in himself, is a national security threat, in light of what he's doing and in light of what he did in the debate.”

Zucker: “The Breitbart, New York Post, Fox News rabbit hole of Hunter Biden, which I don't think anybody outside of that world understood.”

Zucker: “The Wall Street Journal reported that their review of all corporate records showed no role for Joe Biden on the Chinese deal, and yes, I do put more credibility in The Wall Street Journal than I do in the New York Post.”

CNN Senior VP Cynthia Hudson: “The only reason [Cubans in Miami] are supporting Trump is because of that [Biden is socialist] narrative—and that narrative, and the fact that sadly, I have to say, there's a population that' very attracted to bullies. No one is countering it properly in Florida, the Cubans are going to vote for Trump and that's terrifying.”

CNN General Counsel David Vigilante: “Yeah, I was just going to say, if you're going to talk about the story, I think it's unavoidable that you have to talk about the naked racism of Tucker Carlson. Because that's really what drove this anti-diversity push, you know, Trump watches Tucker Carlson's show and then reacts. And just as sort of the white supremacy hour they have on Fox News every night, I think it's the --- You can't disconnect the two.”

About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.