American Corruption Series, Part 1: Truth is a Weapon
Key Points
For 15 years, Project Veritas’ work has been focused on investigative journalism -uncovering lies and malfeasance by the powerful through undercover work and daring reporting. That's not stopping.
We know our leaders are lying. It is just as important to understand why as how.
To that end, we are launching a new truth series on American Corruption - historical deep dives into our regime’s malfeasance and analyzing the long standing lies that have become deeply woven into our cultural fabric.
America is in crisis.
We are embroiled in two proxy wars on behalf of both Ukraine and Israel. Billions of dollars in military aid flow out, unchecked, while politicians at home grift off the fat.
The southern border is a sieve - 1.8 million illegal migrants were intentionally released into the country in 2023 alone. Another estimated 670,000 evaded Border Patrol completely. As it stands, the United States has added more than the population of New Mexico in illegal immigrants during the last fiscal year.
Americans are struggling financially despite propaganda efforts to portray the contrary. A recent NBC News piece with the Orwellian title “Why Americans are going hungry despite a strong economy” reveals, in a single sentence, the absurd lengths the professional liars in this country will go to in order to avoid the truth. If the economy were strong, Americans would not be going hungry.
Leadership is nowhere to be found in our ruling class amidst these crises. President Joe Biden shuffles when he walks and fails to articulate coherent sentences in public. Congress is dysfunctional and the nation’s federal law enforcement bureaucracies are attempting to jail the leading opposing presidential candidate.
America’s institutions are not immune from the crises roiling the nation. Project Veritas is no exception. Over the last year, the organization has undergone substantial internal change after the exit of James O’Keefe. Then the Board of Directors departed. Then Hannah Giles, O’Keefe’s successor, also resigned.
Amid these tumultuous changes, Project Veritas remains dedicated to its core mission: telling the truth amid an empire of lies.
To this point, Project Veritas’ work has been focused on investigative journalism—uncovering lies and malfeasance by the powerful through undercover work and daring reporting. More is needed. We know our leaders are lying. It is just as important to understand why as how.
Going forward, Project Veritas will expand its work—increasing its publication of deep dives into our regime’s malfeasance and analyzing the long standing lies that have become deeply woven into our cultural fabric.
America’s political class didn’t just become corrupt in the last few years. Our nation’s spiritual crisis has been building for decades. Americans, broadly speaking, do not understand the true depth of the woke attack on their way of life. If they did, everything about our political and cultural life would change.
Evil works best in the dark. Project Veritas aims to pierce those shadows and to throw the truth into sharp relief.
“And the truth will set you free.”
The name “Project Veritas” comes from Latin. The word Veritas, of course, means “truth.” But the word “project” is also descends from the Latin word proicere meaning “to throw forth.” It is from this connotation that we get the word “project,” meaning plan or proposal: an idea that has been put forth, jutting out from the mind out into the world. “Project” also has a military connotation, the way one “projects” or “launches forth” a weapon like a spear, for instance. It is from this second meaning that we get the word “projectile.”
Project Veritas is born from both senses of the word. It at once seeks to let the truth “jut forth” out of the sea of lies and seeks to launch the truth like a javelin aimed at the malicious and deceitful.
The Truth is a weapon.
Project Veritas seeks both to defend and elevate the truth and to wield it like a sword, cutting through ignorance, lies, and corruption.
At Project Veritas we stand for a strong, free, and prosperous America. We will yet hold our place in the line in the fight against institutional forces that violate our freedoms through deception and unchecked power. Project Veritas isn’t going anywhere.
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About Project Veritas
Project Veritas is a non-profit investigative news organization conducting undercover reporting. Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.