Project Veritas

Allegations Against O’Keefe Proven False by DOJ

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James O’Keefe and three other filmmakers pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of entering federal property under false pretenses. O’Keefe and his colleagues were arrested after entering Senator Landrieu (D-La.) office as telephone workers, the filmmakers were investigating if the office was ignoring constituents’ calls during the health care debate.    Upon the arrest, reports in the mainstream media falsely alleged that O’Keefe was attempting to tamper with the Senator’s phone were later discredited by Assistant United States Attorney Jordan Ginsberg:

“In this case, further investigation did not uncover that the defendants intended to commit any felony after the entry by false pretenses despite their initial statements to the staff of  the Senatorial office and GSA requesting access to the central phone system. Instead, the government’s evidence would show the defendants misrepresented themselves and their purpose for gaining access to the central phone system to orchestrate a conversation about phone calls to the Senator’s staff an captured the conversation on video, not to actually tamper with the phone system or to commit any other felony.”

O’Keefe has a three year probation, a fine of $1,500 and 100 hours of community service.

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